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Two Important Truths About Abortion Access – A Message from The Brigid Alliance

August 24, 2022

We’ve seen two important truths emerge in the past three weeks when it comes to abortion access in the United States:

First is that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade is wildly unpopular among Americans, who are pushing back in unprecedented ways. That includes the inspiring, ground-shaking victory for abortion access at the ballot in Kansas and the myriad ways individuals and institutions have stepped up to protest, speak out, and raise money to support abortion clinics, funds, and practical support organizations. 

Second is that the legal landscape on abortion right now is a chaotic mess. Our legal and advocacy partners are valiantly working in the courts and state legislatures to ensure that abortion stays accessible for as many people in as many states as possible – but the rules are changing every day, and people in need are understandably confused. 

It is vital now for all of us to hold and make space for both of those truths at the same time: The very sober reality that people who need abortion are hurting every single day, and the very real hope that our movement representing the majority of Americans who support abortion access can power onward. 

It’s what keeps us going at The Brigid Alliance – staying focused on our clients and getting them to abortion care with compassion, confidence, and clarity. Your financial support has been critical – and now, as we barrel toward the end of this tumultuous summer, we’re asking for your help again. If you’re able to donate again, please click here and make a contribution to The Brigid Alliance. Or join us in spreading the word to friends and families by forwarding this email or sharing information about us on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter.

I know it’s been a hellish rollercoaster these past few months – in just the past week there were major changes to abortion access in North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Indiana alone. But even as our legal and advocacy partners push ahead and fend off attacks, abortion funds and practical support organizations are striving to help as many people access their care as we can. 

You can help with your contribution. Click here to make a donation to The Brigid Alliance.

Thank you,
Odile Schalit
Executive Director
The Brigid Alliance

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